The History and Legacy of Lead Pollution

Did you know that Omaha is home to the largest Superfund site for lead contamination? Exposure to lead poses serious health risks, especially for children. Join Conservation Nebraska and Dr. Adam Sundberg for a presentation that explores impacts of lead pollution.
Creighton Professor Adam Sundberg will be giving a talk addressing impacts of lead pollution throughout time. This talk will explore the historical roots of unequal exposure to lead pollution. It will track the history of three points sources for lead (industrial/commercial exposure, residential exposure, and tailpipe emissions) and their uneven impacts in Omaha communities over time. It will then reflect on the environmental justice implications of this history.
Join us in-person at UNO's Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center, Room 205 or virtually via Zoom.
Register in advance for this webinar:
Adam Sundberg is an Associate Professor of History at Creighton. He researches environmental history and the history of disaster. He teaches the history of environmental inequalities, including the social, environmental, and spatial history of the Omaha Lead Superfund Site.